*To register for these seminars, please click on the title of the seminar and it will direct you to Frontline to register.
*All virtual seminars will begin at 4:30 PM.
**Online Seminars: Participants have thirty (30) days from the day access is granted to complete and upload all the assignments. An experienced instructor will provide feedback and coaching. At the end of the thirty days, participants who successfully complete the requirements will receive a grade of Pass and a certificate of completion. If not, a grade of Fail will be entered. Please be mindful when registering, which seminar you are registering for.
De-Escalating Challenging Behavior
Online Seminar for Teachers
10/02/2023 – 11/01/2023
Every day across the country, educators are seeing an increase in challenging behavior within the school environment. Yet, many educators who work closely with students may not be adequately trained in understanding behavior. The first part of this seminar addresses building a mindset for understanding behavior with a goal of reframing behavior in a way to understand the why behind it. The next part addresses the latter phases of the Acting Out Cycle applied through a case study. Finally, participants will learn about how to become more proactive versus reactive in addressing this behavior in the future. (7 hours)
Translating IEP Goals into Classroom Accommodations
Online Seminar for Teachers
10/09/2023 – 11/08/2023
Education in NY state has shifted to become progressively more inclusive for students thus requiring more collaboration between educators. Classroom teachers are faced with a wider array of abilities and proficiency levels in the classroom and are asked to differentiate curriculum to best meet the needs of all students. As the number of students with IEPs (Individualized Education Programs) in the classroom has increased, so has the expectation that classroom teachers will help students to meet IEP goals while maintaining a rigorous standards-based curriculum. This online seminar will offer accommodations that remove barriers and provide equal access to learning for all students with special needs in the general classroom setting including English language learners with IEPs. (5 hours)
Autism Spectrum Disorder: Adjusting the Educational Image
Online Seminar for Teachers
11/06/2023 – 12/06/2023
This training provides up-to-date information on the clinical and associated features of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). Attention will be given to how these features manifest themselves and present unique instructional and learning challenges within educational settings. The seminar goes beyond the core features of the disorders and covers evidence-based, proactive strategies for helping children and adolescents with ASD succeed in schools today. There are several assessments included in the seminar worth a total of 35 points. Participants must score a minimum of 29/35 (83%) points to fulfill the NYSED requirement. (3 hours)
This seminar fulfills the state requirements for the 3 hour Autism training in the needs of students with Autism pursuant to Sections 3004(4) and (5) of the Education Law and Subpart 57-3 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education.
Recognizing and Managing Conflict
Online Seminar for SRPs
11/06/2023 – 12/06/2023
Defines conflicts as normal and unavoidable occurrences in our everyday lives. Participants will learn how to handle minor conflicts and identify ways to defuse these situations before they can escalate and get out of hand. Components of conflict resolution and key factors to be considered in dealing with conflicts, understanding anger, and strategies for managing and resolving conflicts will be explored. (3 hours)
Advocating for English Language Learners Within the Scope of State and Federal Law
Online Seminar for Teachers
01/08/2024 – 02/07/2024
In an ever-shifting political and regulatory environment, teachers have more responsibility than ever before to not only teach but advocate for ELLs and their families. This seminar will familiarize participants with laws and regulations regarding ENL education both historically and in the present day, as well as those laws and regulations that are germane to many ELLs and their families, including but not limited to issues related to immigration and civil rights. Furthermore, participants will learn of support services available to ELLs and best practices in advocacy. (5 hours)
Scaffolding Strategies to Provide Equitable Access
Online Seminar for Teachers
02/05/2024 – 03/06/2024
Scaffolding is a term that comes from psychologist Lev Vygotsky’s theory of the Zone of Proximal Development. Scaffolds consist of temporary supports that amplify rather than simplify and are used to help an English language learner/Multilingual learner work just beyond the level that can be achieved independently. Today, scaffolding is an essential practice as it allows educators to identify the needs of each ELL/MLL and provide them with supports to build on prior knowledge, internalize new information, and ultimately master grade-level content and skills. (7 hours)
Digital Learning and Citizenship *NEWLY ADDED*
Online Seminar for Teachers
03/04/2024 – 04/03/2024 In today’s interconnected world, it is crucial for educators to equip their students with the skills and knowledge necessary to navigate the ever-evolving digital landscape as responsible digital citizens. Using the ISTE standards for inspiration, this seminar will give educators practical strategies for fostering digital literacy, evaluative skills, and ethical behavior among their students. Participants will explore methods for thoughtfully integrating technology in their classroom while promoting digital citizenship through creativity, collaboration, and critical thinking. (5 hours)
Strategies for SIFE Success!
Online Seminar for Teachers
03/04/2024 – 04/03/2024
Students with Interrupted/Inconsistent Formal Education (SIFE) are English language learners who enter U.S. schools at least two years below grade level in reading and/or math in their native language due to underschooling. These learners bring with them rich cultural and life experiences but are doing double the work in learning English and academic skills simultaneously. Teachers looking for support in how to address the intense needs of this population will benefit from this course. In this seminar, participants will examine common characteristics and experiences of the SIFE population and learn how to design classroom environments and apply specific strategies that honor students’ backgrounds to foster SIFE success. (5 hours)
Participating in Student-LED Discussions
Online Seminar for Teachers
04/01/2024 – 05/01/2024
Participants will explore techniques designed to ensure that all students contribute to classroom discussions in an environment where students help to ensure that all voices are heard. This seminar explores how to ask high-quality questions that deepen student understanding, methods for promoting student learning through discussion, and ways to ensure meaningful student contributions to the discussions. (5 hours)
Working with Volunteers and Paraprofessionals
Online Seminar for Teachers
04/01/2024 – 05/01/2024
Volunteers and Paraprofessionals can make substantive contribution to the classroom environment. Participants will acquire the skills to support volunteers and paraprofessionals, including developing guidelines, explaining duties, providing training, and discussing standards. (5 hours)
Self-Care Strategies for Educators
Online Seminar for Teachers
05/06/2024 – 06/05/2024
Educators are expected to focus on the needs of others, whether they be students, families, or colleagues. While it may seem counterintuitive, educators who are able to prioritize their own self-care will be more successful at leading well-intentioned lives in addition to supporting others. This seminar’s content is a collection of best practices derived from studies on the benefits of self-care for educators and how looking after one’s needs can positively impact one’s personal and professional life. Participants will reflect on their current status and formulate a plan to improve their self-care practices. (5 hours)
**Virtual Seminars: These are live web-based seminars.
How to Successfully Pass the Civil Service Exam – Clerical
Virtual Seminar for SRPs
This seminar will review the procedures to apply for a Civil Service Exam. Participants will have an opportunity to practice answering sample civil service questions, as well as engage in some discourse around each question, and learn tips to successfully pass the exam. (3 hours)
Dealing with Difficult Students on the Bus
Virtual Seminar for SRPs
This seminar will offer strategies for dealing with students who exhibit chronic and extreme misbehavior, including violence. Participants will learn what motivates students to misbehave; intervention techniques to use at the moment of misbehavior; how to avoid and defuse confrontations, and ways to reinforce desirable behavior on the school bus. (3 hours)
Family Engagement with Equity in Mind
Virtual Seminar for Teachers and SRPs
Fifty years of research highlight the benefits of engaged families for student success and school improvement. Unfortunately, widespread improvement in how we view and engage with families, particularly for nondominant families (defined as “those impacted by systemic oppression, such as marginalization based on race, class language or immigration status”) have been slow to take shape. However, according to researcher Dr. Karen Mapp, “due to the pandemic, family engagement is finally being recognized as core strategic component of any intentional effort to provide equitable and excellent educational opportunities for all children.” This session will examine challenges to equity-based family engagement including deficit-based views of families, suggest practices and approaches to foster meaningful engagement with families, and recommendations for systems change for schools to implement. (3 hours)
P’s and Cues: Planning, Prioritizing, Performing
Virtual Seminar for SRPs
In this seminar, participants will identify factors that make it difficult to complete tasks during the workday; use cues to prioritize activities; learn tips for managing details and distractions, and recognize the value of goal-setting as a first step in completing multiple tasks effectively. (3 hours)
Violent Incidents: What Can You Do?
Virtual Seminar for Teachers and SRPs (New Member Seminar)
How should you approach violent incidents as a union member? This seminar will discuss health and safety in the workplace, hazard identification, school code of conduct and more! The session will also discuss the laws and regulations that dictate responses to incidents in the educational setting. (2 hours)
How to Successfully Pass the Civil Service Exam – Custodial
Virtual Seminar for SRPs
The seminar will review the procedures to apply for a Civil Service Exam. Participants will have an opportunity to practice answering sample civil service questions, as well as engage in some discourse around each question, and learn tips to successfully pass the exam. (3 hours)
How to Successfully Pass the Civil Service Exam – Clerical
Virtual Seminar for SRPs
This seminar will review the procedures to apply for a Civil Service Exam. Participants will have an opportunity to practice answering sample civil service questions, as well as engage in some discourse around each question, and learn tips to successfully pass the exam. (3 hours)
SEL in Action: Using Evidence Based Strategies to Address Behavior and Learning Needs in the Classroom
Virtual Seminar for SRPs
This session will engage participants with the opportunity to put the five CASEL competencies into action. First specific strategies and activity ideas will be reviewed in connection to the self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, responsible decision-making competencies. Then a variety of K-12th grade scenarios and role play situations will be introduced, allowing participants to assess the needs of students, work cooperatively to connect teaching practices, and construct activities that would strengthen the SEL skills of the students. Use of the NYS SEL benchmarks will also be integrated to support teachers in their own classroom planning. (3 hours)
Understanding our Gender Non-Conforming and Transgender Students
Virtual Seminar for SRPs
Transgender and nonbinary students have been a part of our classrooms for years. For many educators, the unique needs of these students raise challenging and confusing issues. This seminar introduces and explores strategies and resources from GLSEN. Educators will be able to draw upon best practices to meet the needs of all students and ultimately make classrooms safer, affirming and more inclusive for transgender and nonbinary students. (2.5 hours)
I think I Can, I Know I Can: Motivating Students to Learn
Virtual Seminar for SRPs
This seminar analyzes why some students are not motivated to learn and how to increase the positive environment necessary for learning. Participants will discuss ideas, strategies and activities to increase engagement and motivation for students. The seminar will highlight the inner strengths, talents, and abilities that you as an SRP possess. (3 hours)
Social Emotional Learning
Virtual Seminar for Teachers and SRPs
SEL is critical to the success of all students. But what does it really mean? In this seminar participants will be able to define SEL, identify the competency areas connected to SEL, reflect upon their own current teaching practices and plan for how to integrate SEL into their daily lesson plans. (3 hours)
Secondary Reading Strategies *NEWLY ADDED*
Virtual Seminar for SRPs
This seminar provides strategies to use with middle and high school students who struggle with reading comprehension; including text structures and corresponding graphic organizers, tips, and signals for use with students. Each ingredient of the reading comprehension process (before reading, during reading, and after reading) provides additional opportunities to use targeted strategies. Additionally, higher order thinking skills will enhance the highlighted strategies and will provide an overall approach to assisting students in increasing their reading comprehension. (3 hours)
SRP Communication: Skills for Effective Speaking and Listening *NEWLY ADDED*
Virtual Seminar for SRPs
School-related professionals are required to master many skills. In this seminar participants will learn to: identify the roles of an effective communicator; practice active listening skills that promote group collaboration, support and trust; recognize ways in which information is communicated nonverbally; and practice supporting skills for overcoming resistances. (3 hours)
Examining Curriculum Through an Equity Lens: Focus on Women *NEWLY ADDED*
Virtual Seminar for Teachers and SRPs
This 3-hour program will explore gender equality in the classroom integrating DEI concepts throughout the program. It will provide educators strategies and effective questions to help guide their lesson development and execution to create a more inclusive classroom environment and experience for all students. (3 hours)
How to Successfully Pass the Civil Service Exam – Clerical *NEWLY ADDED*
Virtual Seminar for SRPs
This seminar will review the procedures to apply for a Civil Service Exam. Participants will have an opportunity to practice answering sample civil service questions, as well as engage in some discourse around each question, and learn tips to successfully pass the exam. (3 hours)
Strategies for Struggling Readers *NEWLY ADDED*
Virtual Seminar for SRPs
Participants will become familiar with phonemic awareness, phonics, alphabetic recognition, and the role of the read-aloud. This seminar will focus on strategies and techniques to help students become successful readers. (3 hours)
The Cost of Caring: Compassion Fatigue and Vicarious Trauma *NEWLY ADDED*
Virtual Seminar for Teachers and SRPs
It’s been tough the last few years. Educators take on many roles. These roles can be stressful, and very overwhelming which can lead to fatigue, and vicarious trauma. This seminar helps get to the root of the challenges faced by educators and provides self-care tips and strategies. (2 hours)
Disability Awareness *NEWLY ADDED*
Virtual Seminar for SRPs
SRPs often work with students who are identified as having one of the categories. This seminar will provide participants with a general understanding of the thirteen disability categories and key concepts related to the education of students with disabilities. Participants will experience what it is like to have a disability and learn strategies for improving student learning and behavior. (3 hours)
How SRPs Can Support Students with ADHD *NEWLY ADDED*
Virtual Seminar for SRPs
The number of students in our classrooms diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and other attention difficulties has increased dramatically. The symptoms can disrupt the child’s learning and affect their relationships with peers and adults. This seminar is designed to help the school related professional achieve a better understanding of ADHD and provide intervention strategies to facilitate positive student behavior. (3 hours)
Managing Stress and Change *NEWLY ADDED*
Virtual Seminar for Teachers and SRPs
What are ways that we can effectively cope with stress and change? There are several measures a person can take to manage stress like managing their choice of nourishment, addressing change through practical daily interventions and creating healthy habits. This seminar will provide several strategies to increase self-care and provide a foundation of good health. (2 hours)